Michelle (my missus) said she was glad she wasn't the one who discovered the snake. Unlike me, she's none too fond of them, though she does think they're pretty. From a distance.
For you curious folks out there, Michelle informs me this is a Texas garter snake (if you know otherwise, please say), so it was pretty much full size. It hung around the back patio for a spell, then slithered off into the grass. The description M. read said the snake was domesticable. We could have added it to the cat menagerie we've got going. Except M. said she'd freak at the idea of having a snake for a pet. Just as well, as I think the thing should live outdoors and just visit from time to time.
Though I'll be a bit more mindful next time I'm moving plants around on the patio!
1 comment:
I think your appreciation for snakes may have something to do with a phallic joke that I won't actually make. I don't hate or fear snakes, but as a kid, I was a Rikki-Tikki-Tavi fan.
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