The Late Joys, an Austin quartet (guitar, bass, drums, trumpet), are looking for a vocalist/instrumentalist to add harmonies and some musical texture to our Brit-Pop flavored, mostly uptempo, energetic, original rock music (with the occasional choice covers). Guitarists and/or keyboardists who sing are highly encouraged to contact us, but we're interested in anyone who can sing and play -- if you have an instrument, we can find a way to use it.
You can listen to and learn about The Late Joys on the
band's official site or on
MySpace if you are so inclined.
We rehearse as a band once a week (usu. Thursday nights); newcomers get extra sessions as we get you up to speed.
Although we'll consider anyone who can sing (and play some sort of musical instrument), we think we're more interested in a female vocalist. In the past we've sung with an alto/contralto and that seems to work a treat for our harmonic needs.
Professional attitude and punctuality improve your chances.
So does having your own reliable mode of transportation.
No drugs, please, at least not while you're rehearsing/performing with the band.
If you know someone who might fill the bill, please let us know (uh, and let him/her know, too!). If you think you're our match, great!
Please contact Robi ( for more details.